Garden of Eden:-
Arabic 'Adn which al-Baizawi says means " a fixed abode." It is taken from the Biblical Hebrew (Gan ‘Adn) generally understood by Hebrew scholars to mean
"please" or "delight."
2: 35 We said: "O Adam! dwell thou and thy wife in the garden and eat of the bountiful things therein as (where and when) ye will but approach not this tree or ye run into harm and transgression."
# 50 Was the Garden of Eden a place on this earth? Obviously not. For, in verse 36 below, it was after the Fall that the sentence was pronounced: "On earth will be your dwelling." Before the Fall, we must suppose Man to be on another plane altogether - of felicity, innocence, trust, a spiritual existence, with the negation of enmity, want of faith, and all evil. Perhaps Time and Space also did not exist, and the Garden is allegorical as well as the tree. The forbidden tree was not the tree of knowledge for man was given in that perfect state fuller knowledge than he has now (ii. 31); it was the tree of Evil, which he was forbidden not only to eat of, but even to approach #
*** The translator of the Quran asks the question as to where the Garden of Eden was and answers it himself without batting an eye-lid knowing full well, that he is PERVERTING theology, CONTORTING FACTS and deliberately DECEIVING the readers regarding the subject at hand.
In the Bible - which the original and ONLY source of the story of the Creation that the Quran is PLUNDERING & PERVERTING - the Garden of Eden is in and nearby the land of what is Iraq today; that is, it is an EARTHLY ABODE and NOT a HEAVENLY one.
Since the story and name of the Garden of Eden comes ONLY from the TORAH, and since according to the Quran, the TORAH is the WORD of ALLAH given DIRECTLY to MOSES, then how could the version in the Quran CONTRADICT the words of Allah to Moses? ***
34: 16 But they turned away (from Allah) and We sent against them the flood (released) from the Dams and We converted their two Garden (rows) into "gardens" producing bitter fruit and tamarisks and some few (stunted) Lote trees.
# 3812 Into that happy Garden of Eden in Arabia Felix (Araby the Blest) came the insidious snake of Unfaith and Wrongdoing. Perhaps the people became arrogant of their prosperity, or of their science, or of their skill in irrigation engineering, in respect of the wonderful works of the Dam which their ancestors had constructed. Perhaps they got broken up into rich and poor, privileged and unprivileged, high-caste and low-caste, disregarding the gifts and closing the opportunities given by Allah to all His creatures. Perhaps they broke the laws of the very Nature which fed and sustained them. The Nemesis came. It may have come suddenly, or it may have come slowly. The pent-up waters of the eastern side of the Yemen highlands were collected in a high lake confined by the Dam of Maarib. A mighty flood came; the dam burst; and it has never been repaired since. This was a spectacular crisis: it may have been preceded and followed by slow desiccation of the country #
*** It requires an unbelievable stretch of imagination to transport the Garden of Eden from Iraq to the south of the Arabian Peninsula.
The translator/interpreter conveniently forgot that in his Note #50 above, the Garden of Eden is supposed to be in Heaven. Now, all of a sudden, he puts it in earthly Arabia.
He like the Quran, wants to have it in every possible way no matter how CONTRADICTORY and UNSUBSTANTIATED their reasoning is ***
To cover up the complete and utter differences between the original version of events as depicted in the Bible and those in the Quran, Muhammadan scholars have had to go to incredible lengths of intellectual and theological fraudulence and contortions to try and explain them away as shown in some of the following:
The word 'Adn is not used in the Quran for the residence of our first parents on earth, the term used being al-Jannah (Hebrew: Gan), although the Muhammadan Muslim Commentators are agreed in calling it Jannatu 'Adn', "the Eden". The expressions Jannatu 'Adn', "the Garden of Eden" and Jannatu 'Adn, "the Gardens of Eden," occur ten times in the Quran, but in each case they are used for the fourth heaven, or stage, of celestial bliss. [Paradise].
According to the Quran, it seems clear the Jannatu 'Adn is considered to be a place in heaven and not a terrestrial paradise, and hence a difficulty arises as to the locality of that Eden from which Adam 'fell'. Is it the same place as the fourth abode of celestial bliss? Or, was it a garden situated in some part of the earth?
Al-Baizawi says that some people have thought this Eden was situated in the country of the Philistines, or between Faris and Kirman. But, he adds, the Garden of Eden is the Dira 's-Sawab, or "the House of Recompense," which is a stage in the paradise of the heavens; and that when Adam and Eve were cast out of Paradise, Adam fell on the isle of Ceylon, or Sarandib, and Eve near Jiddah in Arabia; and after a separation of 200 years, Adam was, on his repentance, conducted by the Angel Gabriel to a mountain near Makkah, where he knew his wife Eve, the mountain being thence named 'Arafah (ie "the place of recognition): and that he afterwards retired with her to Ceylon, where they continued to propagate their species.
Muhammad Tahir (Majma'u 'l-Bihar, p 225), in remarking upon the fact that in the Traditions the rivers Jaihun and Jaihan are said to be rivers in "the garden", (al-Jannah), says the terms are figurative, and mean that the faith extended to those regions and made them rivers of paradise. And in another place (iden p 164) the same author says the four rivers Saihan (Jaxartes), Jaihan (Jihan), Furat (Euphrates), and Nil (Nile), are the rivers of Paradise, and that the rivers Saihan and Jaihan are not the same as Jaihun and Jaihan, but that these four rivers already mentioned originally came from Paradise to this earth of ours.
To explain away the discrepancies between the original Biblical stories and those of the Quran, Muhammadan exegetes went to enormous lengths of inventiveness, based on nothing but their imagination, to re create the Biblical stories to fit the Quran.
They had no choice but to try and square the circle.
*** Since the Torah is, according to the Quran, Allah's revelation to Moses, and since the Quran is allegedly also Allah’s revelation to Muhammad, then there is an un-bridgeable conundrum:
The Almighty - if Allah is the same as the God of Israel - would not, by His own characteristics, give TWO different, incompatible, contradictory and irreconcilable descriptions of the same events; this would constitute blasphemy against the Almighty since it would show Him to be either forgetful or a liar.
Since the Bible preceded Muhammad and his Quran by at least 2000 years, in written form, in several languages, in numerous civilizations, states and cultures on different continents; and since it is the Quran which is the
'Johnny come lately' to the scenes of history and theology, with not a single corroborating source of evidence either oral or written among the Arabs, excepting what Muhammad was purportedly inspired by, then there is only one conclusion to be made regarding its veracity.
It has NONE ***